Thursday, November 29, 2012


Confidence is a learned trait not an innate ability. Confidence, like all things learned, requires practice. You have to do it to know it. The power and energy of confidence is invaluable. Weather it's asking a girl out on a date, calling the cable company about your recent over billing or telling a coworker about a nagging disagreement, stepping out there can add major benefits to the arsenal of your character. So next time you feel nervous about saying what you feel, let go! Let it flow! Soon you'll see the benefits of stepping out there far outweigh the debilitating consequence of hiding in our shells. Try practicing your confidence today!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It was years ago now but i can still remember the elation I felt when I heard the phrase, "If you want something done, give it to somebody who's too busy to do it." -Like a hidden light bulb suddenly glowing in my mind, that saying was one of the most profound things I thought I had ever heard. And how true it is.
When things are slow around me, I become complacent and even lazy. I place so much effort into the things I'm faced with and my burdens are heavy. But when I have a large list of tasks to accomplish, I move through them with a graceful ease my former burdened self would be embarrassed by.
Stay busy! Accomplish much for there is much to be done!


The word freedom is often used to describe our proud status under our government of the United States of America. The term freedom distinguishes us from the conditional tyranny other nations around us suffer from, and signifies our elevation of status and fortitude. The term freedom is a vehicle that invites gratitude and an honest hearted foundation from which we are better able to understand our role as human beings on this planet. We cherish our freedom and will defend it to our end. But as we cherish and defend, we so easily allow the freedom of our nation to take the place of the freedom we so desperately require deep within our souls.
Speak to anyone you know or love and you will soon hear a voice that carries some brand of regret or sorrow. There are moments throughout our day where inside ourselves we feel a sense of freedom, but that feeling quickly scatters as we return in our minds to what we believe to be the reality of our lives. Regret is a plague that eats away at our happiness and doesn’t just stem from serious wrong doings. Regret most often stems from misperceived feelings of personal inadequacy. A person can so easily judge themselves wrongly for something as small as buying the wrong brand of hotdogs from the store.
With our long list of responsibilities and expectations we are constantly susceptible to anguish and disappointment. Judging our selves and our levels of performance are necessary keys to our success. But balance is required. Self judgment without a conscious and loving persistence can and will lead to our demise.
Be kind to yourself. Be free!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The individuals who surround us are needed for our individual survival. Our society today is built upon a market place that few could do without. Even when going to buy vegetables from the store, the number of hands that have participated in the production and distribution of that product are large in number. The same is true with manufactured goods. We do need each other. We do depend on each other. And how we treat each other now and in the future will have a large part to do with the quality of those goods produced and relates directly to the quality of our own personal lives. Our neighbor is just as important as our coworker. And our coworker just as important as the man who took that left turn right in front of us this morning. How well we would do to keep the importance of others in as much mind as we keep the importance of ourselves. Set yourself aside and love those around you. Combine!

Monday, November 26, 2012


What is the difference between those who are happy and those who are not? Is one person more blessed than another? Meaning, is the happy person just lucky to be happy or is there something that person does that makes them happier?
Although there are external factors that can create a sense of happiness, ultimately, happiness is something we choose to be. Opposition comes in all shapes and sizes. From little nagging reminders of how much work we still have ahead of us to the gigantic traumatic events that shake our lives to the core -tragedies happen in everyones life. Disappointment is inevitable. It's what we do from the point of disappointment that really counts. It's what we decide to do with ourselves after we hit the floor of sadness and depression that constitutes the true make up of our individuality.
When sadness and tragedy hits. Decide to rise up!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Strength is a word often associated with physical characteristics. But just because a person can lift and carry a rock does not mean they can carry the day to day burdens of life.
Ultimately strength measures our capacity to endure through trial and strain.
We are strong when we take on life's obstacles and confront our fears head on. We are strong when we meet the challenges of our moments with integrity and faith. We are strong when our commitment to honesty outweighs our strive for material gain. We are strong when can set aside our pride for the love of those around us. We are strong when we can look inside and admit there will always be room to grow.
These are keys to our individual success. Be strong!

Monday, November 19, 2012


How is it that faith can be proven to be the answer, time and time again, but still be so difficult to incorporate into my day to day thought patterns?
I come from a world where Faith is considered to be a wasted thought. But as recent years have proven, there is a God! There is another world on the other side of our existence here on this planet. No doubt we must discover that for ourselves but once we do, how is it so easy to forget?
The world is all encompassing. The influences found in our day to day existence are certainly not faith builders. We are taught to believe in what we see. And although the beauty of nature is a reflection of our God and creator, science substitutes divine origin and we are left with a notion that all things are expected to be explained with mathematical formulas and theorems.
Faith is not science. Faith is the belief that there is an unimaginable power that oversees us. Faith is a lasting and reliable sense of our creators love for us. Faith is the belief in our ability to communicate with our Savior and Father in Heaven. Faith is the understanding of His ability to intervene in our daily affairs and the belief that He does. Faith is knowing that we were once in His company before coming to face the experiences of this mortal shell. And Faith is the confidence that we will return to Him after we more on from this existence.
When I apply Faith, it's more than just a belief. When I apply Faith, I see and feel His power surrounding me. When I apply Faith, I am more than just a man. I am a His son. Responsible for the future of those around me. When I apply Faith, I am complete.
Have Faith and apply it!